Hello Friends and Students,
I hope this note finds you well, happy and breathing deeply! I think of you all often with a big smile on my face and a tenderness in my heart.
You met Sharon Terry when we both came to Japan this past spring. Many of you have worked with her online over the last three years and some of you were able to work with her in person during our visit. Sharon and Chieko will be offering new GAP workshops online starting this month and there is the possibility of Sharon coming in person to Japan once a year. I hope that you will gather in these programs to renew your practice, nourish yourself and support each other in opening awareness. This is such a good way to explore your experience and be more present in yourself and your life.
Sharon is a masterful GAP guide. We have been co-leading together intensively for the past several years and I have complete confidence and trust in her ability to be present, reflect and support each person in the GAP way. Equally important is her love for this path and her ongoing integration of this approach in her daily life, personally and professionally. Her ability to show up in the moment with kindness, curiosity and steadiness – and a sense of humor! – are essential. In addition, her capacity to grasp and explain the theory and the structure of GAP clearly and with deep understanding make our working partnership deeply satisfying for me and a gift to others.
I am grateful that she will make herself available to you, the precious Japan GAP community. I hope that you will each have a chance to receive the benefit of her skill and presence.
In Gestalt Awareness Practice we all need to be a student of the practice no matter how proficient we may be as a teacher. The teacher, or reflector role, is important but not primary in GAP. Ideally, the reflector lends their awareness to the student until that student can clearly feel and hear their own feelings and thoughts. Think of the reflector as training wheels on a bicycle, offering balance until the rider finds their own balance. When the “student” finds their inner reflector, and recognizes all of Life to be their reflector, the person sitting in the reflector/teacher role becomes more simply a witness and presence of good will, encouragement and loving company. The student’s inner reflector is able to bring curiosity to whatever is arising, to turn toward their own experience, to be curious and supportive of their own process.
We all need good company. Many times in life, we faced things alone and without enough support. Having a fair, clear reflector to be with us as we face and feel and find ground is necessary and very beneficial. What a gift to have good support and company as we find out how to be present! What a help to have someone hear us and see us as we learn to hear and see ourselves. May you receive this good company with Sharon. May you find this good company with each other. May you find this good company in yourself.
Much love to each of you,